Within the clean rooms, different operations and processes are conducted, which must be carried out guaranteeing safety and the absence of contamination. One of the most crucial moments of the activity in a clean room is the entry and exit to it, both for people and materials.

In order to gain access without compromising the classification of the clean room, SAS (Safety Access System) for materials and decontamination showers for people are used. Ad-tech designs and manufactures these two types of equipment following the GMP regulations, in order to guarantee the safety of the environment and the operator.

Ad-tech provides the client a wide range of material transfer systems, of different types:

  • Passive SAS
  • Dynamic SAS with HEPA filter
  • H2O2 or UV biodecontamination pass-trough systems
  • Radioprotection SAS
  • Customized SAS for the client

For the access and exit of people, it also conceives and manufactures a careful selection of showers:

  • Safety water showers
  • Safety air showers
  • Showers for ATEX chemical containment
  • Showers for biological containment
  • Customized showers for the client

Both systems are a fundamental element of a clean room since they are the safest means to allow the entry or exit of all types of materials and workers in a laboratory.

Ad-tech, as a member of Albian Group, is backed by more than 35 years of experience in the design and manufacture of equipment for critical areas and controlled environments.